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the process:
redefining the essence of waste

There are different types of glass, and only glass containers for food and beverage have an efficient recycling chain. All the rest is not recycled and most of the time ends up in landfills or goes through downcycled.

Every year Murano glass factories produce about a 1.000 of tons of non-recyclable glass waste. Still very little compared to the 130 million of tons of non-recyclable glass waste produced every year Worldwide.

To get rid of it, glass factories spend on transport, analysis, and disposal. Then, they spend again to buy other raw materials that will inevitably feed this loop!

This doesn’t make sense because sand - the basic element for glass production - is the second most exploited raw material in the world after water; and it is even more insane if we reflect on the amount of energy needed to transform this sand into glass (and usually produced by burning gas and emitting tons of CO2).

our solution


After few years of R&D at rehub we have developed a new process to transform glass-waste into a paste that can be shaped at room temperature.

This paste can be transformed using the most common industrial processes such as rolling, moulding and injection; thanks to a proprietary extruder, rehub is also able to 3D print that paste.

We give new value to glass waste, transforming it into a wide range of new products: jewellers, tableware, decorative objects, lighting solutions, decorations, table-top, furniture, tiles, and many more...

We give new life to non-recyclable waste saving raw materials and CO2 emissions.

We don’t just recycle. We give it new life and identity to waste.

We create a bridge between tradition and innovation, projecting an age-old material into a new era.

Our objects are 100% monomeric.
We don’t use any plastic neither resin.

Our process allows for maximum customization

It's glass dude! a material resistant to chemical and atmospheric agents and with good mechanical strength.

We give new life to non-recyclable waste saving raw materials and CO2 emissions.

We don’t just recycle. We give it new life and identity to waste.

We create a bridge between tradition and innovation, projecting an age-old material into a new era.

Our objects are 100% monomeric.
We don’t use any plastic neither resin.

Our process allows for maximum customization

It's glass dude! a material resistant to chemical and atmospheric agents and with good mechanical strength.


We started from a local issue, from our land, Murano.

However, to really affect the global problem we cannot ignore the enormous amount of glass-waste produced every day globally. Thanks to our solution we can promote a complementary recycling chain to process all the glass that does not have the features to enter the “container” one. We want to reduce waste and raw materials uses, coherently with the UN Agenda 2030.
We strive for a zero-waste society.

Do you want to join our cause??
Let’s get in touch!